Podcasts & Blog

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #113: Election Correction?

It could be Trump. It could be Biden. As of this recording, it could even be someone not born during the Roosevelt administration (Franklin, not Teddy, although it seems like Teddy). In any case , Steve and Dave debate whether this election will lead to a market...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #112: Bubble Trouble?

After a brief epilogue on Tony Robbins’ out of touch financial advice (great tips if you’re “The Billionaire Next Door”, not so hot for the bottom 99.9999%), we delve into what may be the next great investment bubble, AI. Dave’s a big fan of Professor Scott Galloway,...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #111: RIP Danny K!

The podcast starts with Steve’s look back at the life and times of Daniel Kahneman.  Who’s Daniel Kahneman (Said everyone with a life and/or hobby)? He’s a psychologist whose theories on human behavior have had a profound effect on the world of finance…Oh, that Daniel...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #110: Play it Again Scam

Nobody wants to be the victim of a financial scam, yet they are becoming more prevalent and exotic every day. The story of one such incident, that Steve relays in this podcast, is fascinating, terrifying and informative all at the same time! Episode 110 of Plan For...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #109: 2024-The Year of Noise

In episode 109 of Plan For Life Now, Steve and Dave give a detailed overview of what happened in the markets in 2023 (Good Stuff) versus what happened in 2022 (Bad Stuff). All of this as a data point for what may occur in 2024. But regardless of market results, their...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #108: Charlie we Hardly Knew Ye

It’s a festive episode for this holiday season, with a lot cool gifts-Like the stock market, the bond market, and the 60/40 portfolio! Also, a special tribute to the late, great Charlie Munger. If you’ve never heard of him, listen and find out about one of money’s...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #107: The World is Unpredictable

Steve and Dave spend the majority of episode 107 reviewing where we are right now as the markets head toward 2024. Steve adds some prescient* insight on bonds: Dave finishes the pod off with some startling reality about Long Term Care, proving once again that life,...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #106: New Federal Long Term Care Insurance Price Hike!

No way to sugarcoat this one- If you own the Federal LTCi plan, you’re looking at another price hike that could be up to 86%. But there will be options to amend your policy to mitigate the cost. Please use this short podcast as a guide on how to deal with this. We...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #105: Fear and Loathing in Retirement?

The show begins with Steve and Dave “waxing poetic”* about the end of summer, and quickly moves into a detailed review of a great column by Michelle Singletary about the emotional fraught of retirement. Then Steve debunks Michael Burry’s latest doom and gloom market...

Episode #113: Election Correction?

Episode #104: Scary Financial Scare Tactics

After a quick market recap (and a good one at that!), Steve and Dave get into a detailed discussion about the fine line between how an investment opportunity is advertised on radio and TV* versus how it performs in real life. Before you buy what your favorite media...


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